Coaching and Mentoring Policies

Jessica Willson
17 min readAug 4, 2020



1. Be Able to Construct Organisational Coaching and Mentoring Policies 2

1.1 Demonstrate that coaching and mentoring is a business driver linking individual and strategic performance 2

1.2 Devise a methodology to identify individual operational responsibilities to lead on coaching and mentoring 3

1.3 Evaluate how managers can be measured on the effects of their coaching and mentoring 5

Set effective goals 5

Performance (ACT) 5

Keep a record: 6

1.4 Develop ethical guidelines to be used in all coaching and mentoring activities 7

1.5 Construct a policy that offers coaching and mentoring for all staff during their employment life cycle 8

2. Be able to demonstrate how impact, support and recognition of coaching and mentoring is accepted in the organisation 9

2.1 Demonstrate how coaching and mentoring is used to contribute to the performance of all in the organisation 9

2.2 Determine the support, internal and external, available for coaching and mentoring activities 10

2.3 Determine how coaches and mentors can be recognised for their contribution to the performance of others 10

A couple of rules which should be followed while offering acknowledgment:10

How to recognise an employee 11

References 13

1. Be Able to Construct Organisational Coaching and Mentoring Policies

1.1 Demonstrate that coaching and mentoring is a business driver linking individual and strategic performance

We can define coaching as “It is a procedure that intends to improve execution and focuses on the ‘present time and place’ instead of on the removed past or future”. It enables a worker to get the best execution out of themselves — the potential for which was at that point there. There are two sorts of Coaches: an inner coach or an expert external coach (Jackson, 2008).

While on the other hand mentoring is defined as; “it is a steady learning connection between a mindful person who shares information, experience and insight with another person who is prepared and ready to profit by this trade, to enhance their expert excursion” It is a staggeringly amazing asset for people who need to learn and develop inside an association (Gormley, 2013). Mentoring programs have a longer time horizon than coaching programs and focus more on vocation advancement, administration improvement, and information move versus individual ability advancement or quick improvement in an individual’s performance (Judith Tanner, 2017).

Both mentoring and coaching are widely discussed topics. Over time many researchers have contributed to this field. Such as Jonathan Passmore, in his different studies have discussed coaching thoroughly. He has focused on the role of coaching in an organisational context. His main work was that he had presented an integrated coaching model. In his more than 20 articles he has studied the role of coaching in the business sector (Anthony M Grant, 2010).

Another main contributor in this field is David Clutterbuck, who in his studies has explained the importance of both mentoring and coaching. In his article (Everyone needs a Mentor) (Clutterbuck, 2014), explained that mentoring is the most cost-proficient and reasonable strategy for encouraging and creating ability inside your organisation. It tends to be utilized to extend skilled people, power decent variety programs, and guarantee that information and experience are effectively passed on. In that capacity, the advantages of a coaching program are various: the mentee gets some assistance to distinguish and accomplish objectives, and the tutor gets the fulfilment of helping other people to create.

If you explain about mentoring and coaching without mentioning the name of David Megginson, it seems a little bit unfair, as he is considered as one of the main contributors to this field. Have cut out lots of waffle here, as suggested by the tutor

Within South Essex College, we have several policies that include, but are not specifically coaching and mentoring policies, I would like to change this to have an individual policy on coaching and mentoring as I see this as the future driver for the business. In the college we have groups of supported students, those that need additional learning support and those that have been placed on to the mental health register. These students have policies in place to support them and this includes, but is not limited to a range of mentors, and coaches. The current policies in place cover new staff inductions, with a mentor assigned to support staff new into the role.

There is confusion over coaching and mentoring as some people consider this to be the same thing, but it is not the same thing, and although both coaching and mentoring do share some common principles, and processes, these two disciplines are used to achieve different objectives with different types of relationships between the people that are involved. Since coaching is long term, whereas mentoring is seen to be short term. Both need to be in place throughout the college with staff and students alike, so that there is a support network in place for all staff. A mentor will support their colleges in achieving their role to the best of their abilities and a coach will take the long-term approach to make sure that a person’s career is heading in the right direction. For this purpose, the staff member will feel valued and more committed to the company. They will share the vision of driving the company towards their strategic goals by becoming intellectually and emotionally engaged.

1.2 Devise a methodology to identify individual operational responsibilities to lead on coaching and mentoring

Cut out loads here

This proposal is devised to explain a strategy or policy adopted by our college for the students (Heather E. Duncan, 2010).

The policy has different objectives that should be fulfilled by the administration and the mentors. These objectives are as follow:

  • To provide coaching to students for career development.
  • To mentor students who are facing problems in their academics.
  • To provide future guidance to students to cope with different sorts of professional and personal problems.
  • To provide guidance to the students for management of time and studies’ pressure.

South Essex College will support cross-college service level agreements by the employment of teaching and learning coaches, (TLC) it is suggested that these new staff within this role of TLC will have the following:

  • They must have at least a bachelor level degree in psychology.
  • They must have at least one-year experience in coaching
  • They must be humble so; students will feel comfortable while dealing with them.

While recruiting these coaches and mentors it is mandatory to keep all these points in mind (Linda J. Searby, 2016).

After the hiring of new staff, it is mandatory to devise correct plans with mentors on how they want to carry out sessions with students, the schedule should be devised in such a way that it will not affect the academic routine of the students. At least two sessions must be held in the week. Before starting the sessions, the mentors must have to study the academic record and all the personal information available about the student. The mentors should keep in mind that they need to remain professional throughout, and the sessions can be held in both formats that are, one-on-one and group sessions.

Not all schools or colleges will be able to afford these professionals. Here at SEC we are lucky enough to have employed a group of 8 staff into this role. Therefore, to carry out this project it is necessary to get investments. There are two chances that the school administration can either arrange meetings with existing investors to increase their investment amount for this new project or to convince new investors to invest in this innovative project. The targeted investors for this group can be any government institute, or Non- Government Organisation (NGO), and any private funding institute. The main proposal sends to these investors will include all the necessary information in which an investor might be interested such as the motive behind the sessions, how this innovative idea will be helpful for students, and most importantly the budget range of that project. The SEC mission statement for the project would be like this:

“We are introducing new coaching and mentoring sessions for our students. In these sessions, we will provide them with professional career counselling and guidance in other affairs. This guiding session will help students to excel in their academic and personal lives.”

Before devising any plan, it is mandatory to look at the possible benefits and outcomes of our project. This project will have the following benefits:

  • It will help students to speak about their fears regarding career
  • It will help to increase the confidence level of the students.
  • It will help students to discover their hidden talents.
  • It will help them to decide which way they should select for the future

1.3 Evaluate how managers can be measured on the effects of their coaching and mentoring

In the context of the college, coaching and mentoring is especially important for not only for students but also for teachers. The effect of mentoring can be evaluated by using the performance improvement cycle. To observe improvement in the performance we must keep the following points in mind:

Set effective goals

Objectives are the premise of a viable execution of the executive’s procedure. There are two key components to consider when creating objectives (Orenstein, 2006). To start with, are objectives composed obviously and unbiasedly? Second, would they say they are straightforwardly adding to the accomplishment of business techniques? Ordinarily, the procedure starts with departmental directors defining objectives for their areas of expertise, considering organisational — wide objectives, which bolster the general business methodology. The setting of goals should be SMART, they should align with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with the strategic plans. have cut out lots here

Performance (ACT)

After establishing goals, the next step will be to act on these objectives. Utilizing set up objectives as a premise, execution arranging makes way for the year by conveying destinations and setting a significant arrangement to direct the worker to effectively accomplish objectives. Under each key commitment region, it is imperative to distinguish long haul and transient objectives, alongside an activity plan around how they will be accomplished the approach used for this purpose is

A_ attainment of the selected goals

C_ carry out the role you are performing

T_ to implement the development unit

Keep a record:

The managers must keep track of whether the devised plan is achieving the set goals or not, for this performance management includes objective setting, execution monitoring, feedback, and training — ought to be a progressing procedure, not more than once a year. Constructive feedback that is conveyed when it is most applicable improves learning and gives the chance to make any alterations expected to meet the objectives. The disposition towards progressing criticism is additionally significant (Mark David Scott, 2017).

At SEC we use performance meeting to review where we are at with all progress. Within these documents it will outline who is mentoring and for what purpose, it will also discuss coaching of staff either by myself or others involved in students’ wellbeing. I believe that the best thing about this performance review is that is it quarterly and planned of time, to make sure the mentee has time to review their performance and amend where necessary. It is a good way to keep on track of work that is needed to be executed or work that had been completed as the opportunity to reflect on the work is recorded on these forms too. I would say that the only bad thing about these are that for someone like me, who is impatient I will have looked at what I need to do and will have done these things within a few weeks and then forget that they have been accomplished, so when reviewing I have to think back. I find that we also have a learning platform that can record on a contact diary, this is done with all students that had additional learning needs. Below in Figure 1 is Deming Wheel the cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) which is highly relevant in all learning, including coaching and mentoring. At SEC we always plan what it is that we want to achieve by setting of SMART targets within the organisations KPIs. This also involves the recording of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) where we record who our coach and mentor is, if they are different people and how they are supporting us. Once the objective has been met we are for asdive and feedback to recognise if the objective has been fully met, or not and how we might achieve it.

Figure 1. Demmings Wheel — PDCA

1.4 Develop ethical guidelines to be used in all coaching and mentoring activities

A code of ethics refers to all the ethical principles which the mentors and coaches must fulfil while performing their duties. Following is summary of ethical guidelines which should be fulfilled by coaches and mentors during the period of their professional life. They should settle on and respect clear concurrences with students and staff. Such understandings will cover the context and concurred focuses on the program, what the role of the coach or mentor is and what their ethical code arrangements are. The length of program and number of meetings, when and where these will happen. If the person would like to terminate their contract with the coach or mentor, they will need to provide reasons why.

This is almost like setting out the terms and conditions, which is important right from the start so that all parties are aware of the ground rules, and agree with them, with any individual amendments noted and reasons recorded. An example here would be to make sure that mobile phones are turned off at all sessions so there are no outside disturbances. An exception to this might be that someone’s mother is in hospital and they need to have their phone on in case the hospital calls them.

The coach / mentor will need to work consistently inside the restrictions of their proficient knowledge, make sure the working conditions for their meetings are acceptable, not too noisy and working somewhere suitable for clear communications. SEC will also keep up with relevant legislation and data protection regulations. Adhering to the safeguarding welfare of the person, as well as maintaining a professional distance in their relationship, and not giving any false hope. Changed all of this as it was bullet points

1.5 Construct a policy that offers coaching and mentoring for all staff during their employment life cycle

I have constructed a coaching and mentoring policy for SEC

Upon employment with SEC you will be given a mentor, this person will be your “go to” person for all questions and will support you to ease into your new role. You will be given a handbook that will outline all health and safety policies, the safeguarding team and their details, as well as a hierarchy within the organisation so that you can clearly see where you fit into the college. This will also hold all details and where to access policies in the workplace on our intranet.

Your mentor will also support you in areas of confidentiality, email etiquette, setting up your laptop, workstation and introduce you to the team. They will make all first arrangements for you to meet with your line manager (if they are not) as well as relevant team members who will be supporting you.

Once you have become acclimatised to our values and our mission, we will assign you to a long-term coach that will support your development. We would like you to think of this role as your first step into the organisation, where you can only see yourself as going up, and never out.

Depending on your role within the college we will assign you to one or more sites, if working cross college, you will be assigned a mentor that will also be covering cross college. Therefore, having the opportunity to meet at one or more sites. Your mentor may wish to observe you from time to time, this will be recorded, and constructive feedback will be given.

You will meet with your mentor once a week for the first 8 weeks, during this induction period will be tasks for you complete and these to be signed off or arranged going forward. Your probation is 12 months and you will not be able to identify or request any formal training until your probation has been signed off. Once you have been signed off then you will be assigned a coach to support and develop your career with us.

The question says to CONSTRUCT A POLICY — you did not so i deleted all your waffle from here and put in all my own work

2. Be able to demonstrate how impact, support and recognition of coaching and mentoring is accepted in the organisation

2.1 Demonstrate how coaching and mentoring is used to contribute to the performance of all in the organisation

Coaching and Mentoring within SEC has demonstrated that supporting of colleagues to be the best that they can be has developed team performance through better management. Managers have been assigned a mentor to support them, not only in their workplace but also with qualifications and this in turn has led to a better understanding of performance. Suitable smart targets are set and KPIs are being met for example one manager who was being mentored has taken her department from being non productive due to issues when two teams were merged through acquisition of prospect college. The team performance was seen differently with the incoming new team members, but through understanding of how to coach these members and setting of KPIs with smart targets the line manager supported the team through transition where by some members left and new members were recruited. Overall, now the team has taken the recruitment of apprentices from 800 in the first year where there were issues and staff development arguments, to over 2000 once the team had been transitioned. By holding a now, high performing team, this department has seen significant financial input into the overall strategic planning during the building of the new site. Taken all your waffle out and replace entire question

2.2 Determine the support, internal and external, available for coaching and mentoring activities

Within SEC we are lucky enough to have positions within the organisation that support internal coaching and mentoring activities, they support staff, and students alike. They have general training but not specific training, therefore that can only support generally and would have to signpost to more specific specialist areas. Any staff member can go to an external coach for support — usually this is within the generalised bracket of a life coach, but the disadvantages of this is time and cost. Sometimes the advantages will outweigh those disadvantages in that they will support you in the direction of your goals, keep you focused and will specialise in a set area. when you visit these coaches, you have no work distractions and can speak openly about work, colleagues, and issues. Whereas with internal coaches you may not feel that you can talk openly. Saying that, the internal coaches will possibly understand the situations that are likely to arise within the college environment, as they work within the organisation. There is no charge for their services, so no direct cost to the staff member wishing to take advantage of their services. They know the culture and will support to build trust and rapport to better understand you, whereas an external coach will not have this opportunity and will rely only on your planned meeting dates. Replaced whole section

2.3 Determine how coaches and mentors can be recognised for their contribution to the performance of others

All Senior Managers and staff will be the same — acknowledge when others perceive our commitments and accomplishments. Acknowledgment fills in as a device for strengthening the practices that drive an association to greatness and gives an imperative lift to representatives’ commitment that has an “expanding influence” that compasses past the beneficiary.

A couple of rules which should be followed while offering acknowledgment:

To acknowledge the achievements of an employee or the contributions of an employee is not an easy task. An employee has put his whole life in making his company progress. They have worked hard, to reach the set goals. We can say that employees are the backbone of any organisation. If they work hard then the organisation will make great progress in the industry. So, hard-working employees are beneficial for any organisation. It is human nature that we all like to be appreciated. It has been observed that when the employees have been appreciated their working abilities have been increased. While acknowledging the achievements of an employee an organisation or senior executive must keep the following points in mind:

  • Be real. Give it your complete consideration and be true.
  • Be convenient. Attempt to perceive the person when you can after the commitment or achievement. This makes the connection between the conduct and the prize clear.
  • Be explicit. While a “thank you” is consistently welcome, your effect is more prominent if you depict the achievement and the worth that it made. (For instance, saying “Thank you, Mike, for providing clear guidance to many employees. Your services have helped many of us to achieve a position where we are now. You have helped us a lot to discover the real potential of ours.”).
  • Give the activity the “acknowledgment” it merits. Treat the acknowledgment as an occasion by not blending in different businesses. On the off chance that the acknowledgment happens during a group meeting, make a point to cut out enough time at the gathering to concentrate on the individual being respected.
  • Keep it the right size. Ensure the sum and sort of acknowledgment are correct for the conduct perceived.
  • Customize it if you can. Perceive that various individuals are inspired by various things and acknowledge various things. A few people value being perceived openly; others may get humiliated. One individual may appreciate a thank you whilst others may like a small bonus or a voucher to their favorite restaurant.

How to recognise an employee

Here are some low-or no-cost approaches to perceive coaches and mentors for their services, you can acknowledge then during team meetings or with groups of people, you could sent them a card of appreciation for their support, or an email. By giving recognition you are acknowledging that person for their experience and expertise. I once received a £10 voucher and a thank you note for my efforts in supporting the best improvements within my department at the time. It made me feel valued and appreciated.

This small appreciation will help mentors, coaches, and other staff members to enhance their skills, and to work even harder, with more dedication in the future. It has been noted that a little appreciation can work as a catalyst for the employees which will help to boost their career and professional skills. It will benefit the organisation in the long run. So, it is significant for an organisation to appreciate their employees for gaining long term profits.

Part of my job is to support my students and be a mentor to them throughout their programs, over the years I have had many lovely students who had taught me things too. One occasion I had was to support a person with a difficult situation, she was very grateful and to see her face when it was all resolved was a picture, she thanked me and gave me flowers, this was so beautiful, I did explain that I was just doing my job, but she felt that I had gone above and beyond for her, and wanted to show her appreciation. Whole section replaced


I felt that I was totally unaware of any policies within the workplace that related to coaching and mentoring when I started this unit, now having researched within my own organisation I can see many practices where the coach and mentor are involved in the development of the staff, even if some are unaware of it. Having completed this unit I will propose that we develop a policy on coaching and mentoring in the workplace bringing together a rational as to why this is needed.

Tutor says to add in conclusion — you had not done that


Anthony M Grant, J. P. M. J. C. H. M. P., 2010. The state of play in coaching today: a comprehensive review of the field.. Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney, Australia, Volume 25, pp. 125–168.

Clutterbuck, D., 2014. everyone needs a mentor.

Gormley, H., 2013. Coaching and mentoring (2nd Edition). Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 7(1), pp. 84–86.

Heather E. Duncan, M. J. S., 2010. Mentoring and Coaching Rural School Leaders: What Do They Need?. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 18(3), pp. 293–311.

Jackson, P., 2008. Coaching, Mentoring and Organisational Consultancy: Supervision and Development. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 1(1), pp. 102–105.

Judith Tanner, L. Q. T. G., 2017. Three Perspectives of Planning, Implementation, and Consistency in Instructional Coaching. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 7(1).

Linda J. Searby, D. A., 2016. Supporting the development and professional growth of middle space educational leaders through mentoring. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3(5), pp. 162–169.

Mark David Scott, N. M. H. a. P. T. C., 2017. Measuring approach-avoidance motivation: Expanding dimensionality through implied outcomes. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 106, pp. 312–324.

Megginson, D., 2006. Mentoring in Action: A Practical Guide. Human Resource Management International Digest, 14(7).

Orenstein, R. L., 2006. Measuring executive coaching efficacy? The answer was right here all the time.. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 58(2), pp. 106–116.



Jessica Willson

Jessica Willson is a Writer and Journalist living in the UK. She contributes to Different Sites. She Regularly writes for News and Health-Related Websites.